Ant man reader x rwby
Ant man reader x rwby

ant man reader x rwby

You parked your car and opened the door to see Raven through the window. “Girl” Raven finally finished as she felt your arms go around her she turned and kissed you as everyone in the bar, who had heard Qrow’s outburst, cheered for the two well known Huntsmen.Ī few years later and having finished the last Medical school exam after doing most of it while at Beacon you drove back to your home with a perfect score. “God damn woman at this stage the baby will be born before you tell us” he shouted “I do” said Raven “It’s going… to be… A…” she started but when she took too long Qrow yelled out desperately

#Ant man reader x rwby Patch

“I think its perfect, Patch is such a nice place especially to raise a baby, and do you know the gender yet?” Summer inquired “I was gonna say congrats man gone where no man has ever gone before and all that” he said making everyone laugh again. “Yes he did little brother, need I stress the word little any more” said Raven with a scowl. “Dude you knocked up my sister?” asked Qrow I bought a house on Patch.” You said and they cheered “But wait there’s more, me and Raven are also having a baby” “Qrow language!” she exclaimed making everyone laugh. “Good or bad, cause I cant be fucked with bad news,” said Qrow, Summer gasped in offence as she lightly hit her boyfriend. Once she nodded you took a deep breath and looked at Qrow. Raven smiled back as she clasped your hand encouragingly. You looked over at the woman beside you and smiled. “Can you believe it guys, we’re finally Huntsmen!” squealed Summer happily from her seat in the booth next to Qrow. The four heroes to be drank before setting down their mugs. The four raised their mugs of preferred beverage and nudged them together making a “clink” sound. Non were more qualified however than team SMRQ or Smirk which consisted of the leader Summer Rose, the medic (Y/N) Mercy and the siblings Qrow and Raven Branwen. The reason for their happiness? The fourth year students had finally graduated and were now fully qualified Huntsmen and Huntresses. Most of the occupants were from the prestigious academy for Huntsmen and Huntresses Beacon. Happiness was what filled the bar that night.

ant man reader x rwby

You are basically a male version of Mercy from Overwatch FYI in this story you take the place of Tai Yang, and while at Beacon you also attended Medical school so you could be the first doctor to be a huntsman.

Ant man reader x rwby